Support the Borrowers' Bill of Rights
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Email your Senator and ask them to support the Borrowers' Bill of Rights!
I’m writing to ask you to support SB77, the Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights. Right now in Virginia, over 1 million student loan borrowers owe over $30 billion. That’s more than credit card debt or car loans, but only student loans lack basic consumer protections. The economic evidence is overwhelming that student loan debt is holding back borrowers from starting a family or a small business, buying a house, and saving for retirement. We can take action now to provide more state oversight of student loans to ensure our borrowers have every opportunity to stay on track and pay off their debt. Too many borrowers struggle to get accurate information from their loan servicers, companies like Navient that have been sued over and over against for misleading and scamming borrowers. In fact, a Department of Education audit found that Navient has been pushing borrowers into higher-cost repayment plans but they've refused to step in to do anything about it. Please support SB77, the Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights, to ensure Virginia borrowers can stay on track to a strong financial future.
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