#KeepKenOUT of the Virginia Supreme Court

In a sneak attack only days before the end of the 2016 legislative session, conservatives in the Virginia Senate nominated Ken Cuccinelli --- yes, that Ken Cuccinelli -- to serve on Virginia's Supreme Court. State Senator Glen Sturtevant thinks Ken Cuccinelli is "somebody, I think, who's not been politicized." What world has he been living in? Cuccinelli has made a career out of attacking Virginians and it stops here. 

Write your Delegate and Senator now and tell them Ken Cuccinelli cannot serve on the Supreme Court of Virginia. 

Ken Cuccinelli is completely unqualified to serve on the Supreme Court of Virginia. Throughout his career, he has repeatedly manipulated the law and abused his public office to serve an extreme political agenda.

Vote NO on SR79.

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    Subject: Help me #KeepKenOut

    I just learned right-wing extremist Ken Cuccinelli is being considered for a spot on the Virginia Supreme Court. We can't let this happen. Can you join me in taking action now? Just click here: http://act.progressva.org/sign/keep-ken-cuccinelli-virginia-supreme-court/?referring_akid=3635.25882.BSsxg9&source=taf
