Sign up to be a Virginia For All Of Us Citizen Co-Sponsor

Sign on as a citizen co-sponsor to Virginia For All of Us, a campaign to fight for the issues that impact all of us. As a co-sponsor, you'll be adding your name to a campaign that advocates for policies to create a more just future for us all and tracks how lawmakers are supporting our priorities. It’s time for all of us to come together to build strong and healthy families, strong and healthy communities, and a strong and healthy democracy--for all of us. Add your name to our list of citizen co-sponsors today!

Here's the policies that we're working on to make a better Virginia For All of Us–no exceptions:

  • Strong and Healthy Families
  • Reproductive Health Equity Act
    Paid Family and Medical Leave
    $15 minimum wage
    Borrowers' Bill of Rights
    Protections for pre-existing conditions

  • Strong and Healthy Communities
  • Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
    Increased funding for education
    Driving privileges for immigrants

  • Strong and Health Democracy
  • Redistricting reform
    Cash bail reform

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